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1. Take Basic Mediation Training

The first step to becoming a mediator is to take training. Multiple Dispute Resolution Centers, including NMC, offer this training. 

You can find more information about Basic Mediation Training here.

You can find and register for upcoming classes here.

We're excited for you to join the team! To qualify for our Practicum, you must have taken a 36-40 hour Basic Mediation Training*  within 30 days of applying**.

*I need to get the training!

**(Staff are excluded from this stipulation. If it has been more than 30 days since your Basic Mediation Training, and you are not currently staff, please contact for approval.


NOTE: Most of the following documents will be updated soon. Please make sure you have the most recent version.

If you have already completed a 36-40 hour BMT, you can get started on our practicum by following the instructions on this page.

1. Make a Payment

Have you paid the practicum fee yet?

Please click the button below or call the Education Coordinator at 509-992-7798 to submit your $100 payment. If you are currently staff or have made other arrangements, please call to make sure your file has been updated.

Payment plans are available upon request.

2. Submit the Confidentiality Agreement

If you haven't already submitted your Confidentiality Agreement, please download here and send to

3. Submit Practicum Application

Next, please download and fill out the Practicum Application and submit to

4. Request Entrance Exam

Please request the Entrance Exam from You will have 30 days to complete it.


If you need more than 30 days, please contact for approval.

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