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How Mediators can Assist with Reconciliation

Jerry Caniglia - Board Member

Updated: Aug 20, 2024

a handshake, indicating a resolution and reconciliation

“Nothing ever comes to one, that is worth having, except as a result of hard work.” Booker T. Washington. I find that most of the time this statement holds true. There is one thing in particular, thanks to human nature I suppose, that very rarely seems to come easy – reconciliation.

People struggle to reconcile their differences. Why? Perhaps because it's easier to not reconcile. It’s easier to say “no” than to say “yes." It’s easier to feel we are in the right while the other person is wrong. It’s easier to see things from our own perspective, our truth, than from another’s point of view. It’s easier to hold our position than to change. Human nature tends to lead us down the path of least resistance, and away from the change necessary to achieve reconciliation. Of course, the irony is that by resisting the change necessary for reconciliation, we usually increase the conflict in our lives, ultimately making things more difficult for ourselves.

Enter the mediator. Mediators act as the connect point, the conduit, between two differing points of view. Mediators help to reveal commonality and strive to reinforce shared interests. Mediators help others establish closure and bring about peaceful solutions when it often seems that conflict is the norm. By combining these skills, mediation can lead to better outcome in terms of reconciliation than a court hearing, and certainly a better outcome than doing nothing.

I’m very proud of the services provided by Northwest Mediation Center. What an amazing mission this organization has, a mission to help bring peaceful solutions to people in conflict. NMC is doing good works, dedicated to our community and its members. Thank you to all who support this vital non-profit, whether through your work and effort, your finances, or any other means.


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